To top it off, I got this lovely award from Dawn the other day.

I must admit this is the first bloggy award that I've ever received. Always so nice to be recognized by your peers. (For what I'm still not exactly sure.)
But I do know that complementing others is a delightful thing to do (and apparently a great networking tool.) So I'd like to pay tribute to other blogs that I enjoy reading every day and think that you'd enjoy as well.
And the nominees are...
1. 3 Guys for Every Girl (because we both have boys, are married to golfers, and enjoy reading the same kinds of books.)
2. petit elefant (because she has great taste and I've found lots of things I like through her recommendations.)
3. The Hughes Zoo (because she is one of the first friends that I made in Cali and she has darling children that I love to see pics of.)
4. Friday Playdate (because she's funny, lives in Oklahoma, has two boys, and enjoys a nice glass of wine at the end of the day.)
5. It's Lovely! I'll Take It! (because it is freakin' hysterical and if it doesn't make you laugh you need to get a new sense of humor.)
6. We are THAT Family (because she's funny and real.)
7. Dawn's Diversions (because even though we've never met, I know that we'd be friends in real life...and because she was kind enough to actually buy a copy of my book and reads my blog every day. Dawn, you're the only true fan I've got.)
{To those I have nominated: You probably have favorites to honor too. So here's what you do: 1. Add the logo of the award to your blog. 2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you. 3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 4. Add links to those blogs on your blog. 5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.}
Awwww, thanks! I'm glad you found me, and I found you, and we found each other. Hooray for the internets. Thanks again.
WOW! Thanks! My first award...I am so honored!
Aww... of course the reason I chose you is because you are an awesome writer and can tell a very visual story. I love it!
And, yes, I'm sure we'd be great friends had we gotten to meet before you moved away from OK!!
I'm glad you see me as a true friend instead of a crazy stalker! LOL
Thanks Girlie!
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