Inaugural Poem

Era of Responsibility
by Stephenie Freeman

Today I feel a sense of responsibility.
To be a better person.
To make my planet a better place.
To serve my country.
To choose "hope over fear."

I have a responsibility.

I have a responsibility as a mother.
To play more.
To laugh longer.
To discipline.
To set a standard.
To smile even when I don't feel like it.
To live my life in joy and beauty so they will do the same.

I have a responsibility.

I have a responsibility as a role model.
To represent accountability.
To hold others up to reach their dreams.
To educate on the importance of giving back.
To teach history.
To focus on the future.
To show my pride as a citizen of my country.

I have a responsibility.

I have a responsibility as a wife.
To honor my husband.
To cheer louder.
To buy less.
To save more.
To love stronger.
To be the better half that makes the whole great.

I have a responsibility.

I have a responsibility as a citizen.
To vote in every election, big and small.
To make a positive impact.
To make a smaller footprint on the planet.
To serve my community through volunteerism.
To clean a park.
To gather donations.
To help a child.
I have a responsibility.

I have a responsibility as an American.
To trust my President.
To give him time.
To believe in the hope that he promises.
To do my part in helping to remake my country.
To continue saying, "Yes We Can."

I have a responsibility and it begins today.


Dawn said...

That was wonderful Stephenie!

Anonymous said...

Proud of you!

Love, mom